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60 seconds 瞓 magic!? U.S. doctors push 4-7-8 breathing method

60 seconds 瞓 magic!? U.S. doctors push 4-7-8 breathing method

Last week with you to talk about insomnia, originally according to the World Health Organization data It shows that four out of ten Hong Kong people suffer from insomnia!

Today's editor-in-chief shares with you a set of sleep secrets that are said to be 60 seconds 瞓

Dr. Andrew Well, an American doctor, pioneered the 4-7-8 breathing method without any props, and it's easy to do anywhere!

1️ ⃣ the cry inside the mouth spit out Li
2️ ⃣ buried a mouthful, quietly inhaled by a nose, the heart inside silently count 4 seconds
3️⃣ Hold your breath and count for another 7 seconds
4️ ⃣ finally by a mouthful of voice spit back out of Li, count 8 seconds

Do it 4 times according to SET action, last 6 to 8 weeks can be easier to fall asleep!

Tie a comfortable bed to practice the set of actions>>

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